Lecture series II: Challenges and Perspectives for resilient post-war cities in Ukraine

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This follow-up lecture series discusses the relevant topics for resilient post-war cities in Ukraine – in the context of integrated urban development and the New Leipzig Charter. Experts from academia and practice will contribute with their expertise from international projects as well as from the Ukrainian and German context. Hence, we like to go on with the dialogue about the major challenges and open up future perspectives for resilient Ukrainian cities.

Join here: https://uni-kl-de.zoom.us/j/62898817970?pwd=RTgrT0tTcWcrbUp1bjVzYTQ3QlNiQT09
The lecture will be recorded and subsequently provided on the panforukraine learning platform: https://futurelearnlab.de/hub/enrol/index.php?id=317 (registration needed).

The lecture series is part of the project „Reconstruction Modules Ukraine“ and funded by the DAAD program „Ukraine Digital“. It is organized and conducted by Prof. Dr. Detlef Kurth, Anna Kuzyshyn [RPTU Kaiserslautern], Prof. Christoph Wessling, Prof. Dr. Silke Weidner, Dr. Sepideh Zarrin Ghalam [BTU Cottbus], Prof. Frank Schwartze and Vivienne Mayer [TH Lübeck]. For any questions please contact info@panforukraine.de. We are looking forward to seeing you!