Online Lecture | June 18 | Digital City – Digital Data for Resilient Reconstruction and Citizen Participation

You are currently viewing Online Lecture | June 18 | Digital City – Digital Data for Resilient Reconstruction and Citizen Participation

On June 18, 5 – 6.30 PM CET/ 6 – 7.30 EEST our 4th Lecture Series continues with the sixth Lecture with an input from Jörg Rainer Noennig, Maria Moleiro Dale and Arjama Mukherjee from the HafenCity University in Hamburg. The lecture will be translated into both English and Ukrainian.

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About the lectures:
Jörg Rainer Noennig will introduce the background and motivation of the ongoing Ukraine-related projects at the Chair of Digital City Science at HafenCity University Hamburg, and explain how data-driven digital tools can support urban development and reconstruction planning. Maria Moleiro Dale will present the ongoing research in the project „Approaches to Urban Resilience in the Ukraine“ in which she and her team target urban resilience perspectives and models than are to support concrete planning efforts in cities affected by conflict. And Arjama Mukherjee will explain how innovative tools and methods for digital participation in urban planning can help to inform and enhance urban design efforts – and present findings and preliminary results from ongoing urban co-design campaigns in cities like Lviv.

The lecture will be recorded and subsequently provided on the panforukraine learning platform: (registration needed).

The Lecture Series is part of the project „Reconstruction Modules Ukraine“, funded by the DAAD program „Ukraine Digital“. It is organized and conducted by Prof. Dr. Detlef Kurth, Anna Kuzyshyn [RPTU Kaiserslautern], Prof. Christoph Wessling, Prof. Dr. Silke Weidner, Dr. Sepideh Zarrin Ghalam [BTU Cottbus], Prof. Frank Schwartze, Antonia Breckwoldt [TH Lübeck]. For any questions please contact

We are looking forward to seeing you!